I find it a good Action Ecconomy Balance, and gives a good reason to alternate between One Handed and Two-Handed Castings of Spells.What Full Round Action? There's no such thing in 5e, and vast majority of spells already requires your action.Īlso, there's working version of a thing I've been playing with: Two Handed: I generally allow players to cast Two-Handed as a Full Round Action, to add their Spellcasting Modifier to the Damage of Spells. Orb: Glimpsing at the Future, the Orb allows to cast True Strike as a Bonus Action. PS: Alternative Orb: Since the Orb seems a bit too powerful of a Choice, I leave it there, and include this one: Those listed are not playtested material. They instead become Confused and Distrusting of you, unsure if you used Magic to influence their Mood or Not.

At the end of the Duration, you can make a Bluff check to prevent the Target from becoming Hostile, as an added Benefit. A Crystal could, as a Bonus Action give you Resistance to Nonmagical Piercing, Slashing and Bludgeoning. An Orb could be used as a Reaction to Give you your Prof, Bonus to your AC. A Wand could be able to Replicate Eldritch Blast, or some other Attack Roll Cantrip of Choice. A Stuff could be a Shillelagh Staff for example, but usable by whoever is attuned to it for their own Spellcasting Stat. Perhaps make them more special by making them Replicate a Cantrip. I find it a good Action Ecconomy Balance, and gives a good reason to alternate between One Handed and Two-Handed Castings of Spells.Īs for Focci, I suggest the Xenathar minor magical items. What do you think?Ĭrystal: reduce one target's save roll by 1d4.Two Handed: I generally allow players to cast Two-Handed as a Full Round Action, to add their Spellcasting Modifier to the Damage of Spells. I think your Crystal effect is too powerful, so I'm suggesting a weaker one. Rod When you cast a ritual spell, the spell only takes an additional 5 minutes to cast.Ĭrystal When you cast a spell of 1st level or higher, you may use your reaction to increase the spell DC by 1 for one target of the spell. If you succeed, you regain 1 sorcery point, and the DC for this effect increases by 1 until you complete a long rest. Wand When you cast a spell of 1st level or higher, you may make an Intelligence (Arcana) check against DC 20 as a reaction.

This effect cannot be combined with the Expert Divination Wizard class feature. Orb When you cast a Divination spell of 1st level or higher, you also gain the effect of a Guidance spell until the end of your next turn. Staff In addition to an arcane focus, the staff is also a weapon, equivalent to a quarterstaff. I think the benefit of the other focuses should be similar in strength. I don't know why every arcane class uses the same set of foci except the bard, but oh well.

You've left out the spell component pouch! It already has a benefit: a multiclass Bard/other arcane caster can use it like a focus for both classes. Orb: when you take spell damage, reduce by 1d4Ĭrystal: reduce one target's save roll by 1d4. Staff: once per spell, reroll any 1s rolled for damage Wand: cantrips that crit roll an additional die for damage I'm not ready to try building feats or fighting styles (casting styles?) at the moment, but here are some ideas: But there's no reason to take, say, à Wand instead of a staff or an orb, until WgtE. Heavy weapons with GWM, monk weapons with monk abilities, finesse with sneak attack. For instance, any one-handed weapon fits Duelling fighting style and goes with shield. Weapons differ largely via flavour and by interactions with other items or feats. How would you expand on this in your game?

It also suggests optional two-handed rules to increase range by 50%. The type of damage you do/reduce depends on the type of manifest zone the material comes from. So in the Eberron supplement, wood and crystal from manifest planes can give +1 damage to spells or reduce damage received by 1d4.